Calvin Mays


I’m driven to help people develop their creative abilities and apply those skills within their community with a collaborative mindset. As a humanitarian, my hope is that the ability to design also imparts a sense of responsibility to all who make for others.


Austin Design Week

As advisory board members of Austin Design Week, we experience a multitude of ideas and potential solutions presented by the local Design and Arts community. The outcome is truly inspiring and produces some terrific questions, co-created projects, and artifacts.


Rethinking Cyber-Security

This was an exciting series of ideation workshops designed to help DELL rethink what cyber security might look like in a scholastic environment. Ultimately, we generated a concept program that connects DELL cyber security experts with high school students interested in computer science and gaming.


The Secret to Innovation Starts with Great Interviews

Interview session with Facebook executives while attending grad school: dMBA @ CCA

stanford-university-logo-png--1200.png Pop Out: Dinning Out Project

Pop-Out experiences are a team-based workshop in-context, and apply design thinking methods in the real world. For the “Dinning Out Project” we were asked to teach complete strangers how to apply design thinking methodology to a real world restaurant problem. The outcome was a great product + service portfolio. One that I’d like to continue.


It’s amazing how many solutions come from one experience. I like to recycle stories with different workshops to learn how different perspectives impact a product / service portfolio…



I have a natural affinity with those looking to improve the human condition. Sometimes that comes with a little tough love and a lot of patience. After spending time in various industries in executive roles, I find my aptitude for creating channels for revenue, has shifted to building processes to develop products, services, and organizations that greatly improve the way we think and interact with one another.

As a Service Design consultant, I help companies discover opportunities, ideate wildly, synthesize data, and develop insights that improve product + service experiences internally, and for their customers. In turn, those efforts increase operational efficiency and growth opportunities for businesses of all sizes. All this is achieved through compelling stories, expressing empathy, and co-creating through a thoughtful human-centered process. 


Oh yeah. And I like LEGOS — A lot…

My attempt at designing a Center for Design facility



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